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6 Reasons to Switch to Ultra Concentrated Chemistry

A tremendous amount of work goes into running a car wash business. For decades, car wash chemicals just added to that workload. Massive chemical drums are difficult to handle, expensive to ship, messy and bulky in your back room. But what if there was a better way?

With ultra concentrated chemicals, you can effectively shrink the volume of product you need to a fraction of the size while simultaneously improving the cleaning power of your car wash. Read on to learn more about the fundamentals of ultra concentrated chemicals, including their main benefits and how they work.

What Is Ultra Concentrated Chemistry?

Car wash systems historically have relied on huge drums of chemicals that are already diluted with water before arrival. These 55-gallon drums can easily weigh 400 lbs. or more, making them difficult to maneuver. Do you really need the added risk of an employee injury or a messy spill at your wash?

With ultra concentrated chemistry, drums are replaced with undiluted cleaning solutions, reducing their size to 1-gallon containers. As customers pass through the car wash tunnel, a tiny amount of the desired concentrates is mixed with water and delivered to your tunnel car wash equipment. With the right dosing system in place, car wash owners can manually customize the exact amount of concentrate used on each vehicle, giving them greater control over costs.

Main Reasons You Should Switch to Ultra Concentrated Chemistry

Changing over to ultra concentrated car wash chemistry from NCS offers numerous distinct advantages. From reducing waste and lowering costs to minimizing the carbon footprint of your car wash, there are several practical reasons to explore making the switch. Here are some of the key benefits of upgrading to ultra concentrated chemicals.

1. Ultimate Efficiency: Less Mess, Spills, and Waste

With ultra concentrated chemicals, you won’t have to worry about common problems with larger chemical drums like loss of product caused by damage during shipping or spillage on site. Since there is a much lower volume of chemicals to manage, there’s less potential for waste, saving you money in the long term. Car wash systems that use ultra concentrates deliver unprecedented efficiency and an enhanced customer experience while simultaneously reducing the cost per wash, putting more profit back in your pocket.

2. Lightweight Gallon Jugs: No Heavy Drums

The traditional 55-gallon drums used to deliver chemicals to car washes are expensive to ship, difficult to move around, and prone to leakage. Meanwhile, lightweight ultra concentrated gallon jugs provide comparable or better cleaning power at a fraction of the size and weight.

This not only reduces your shipping and handling costs but also makes unloading your chemical products from the delivery truck far less time consuming. This combination of lower chemical procurement costs and reduced labor for handling the chemicals onsite can add up to a considerable amount of savings.

3. Easier Change-Out for Any Employee

Changing out 55-gallon drums requires serious muscle, typically requiring car wash business owners to invest in barrel dollies to safely move them around. The massive size and weight of these chemical drums also increase the potential for an accident. With ultra concentrated gallon jugs, this is no longer an issue. Employees can quickly and easily change out these smaller containers themselves in minutes, thus reducing the workload of your team members while increasing their productivity.

4. Small Footprint for Streamlined Back Room

Conventional heavy chemical drums take up an enormous amount of space. The end result is often an overly cramped chemical room where employees struggle to maneuver safely and efficiently. Changing over to ultra concentrated gallon jugs will open up many square feet of space in the back room that can be used for keeping spare car wash products, microfiber towels, replacement components, hoses, nozzles and various car wash tools. For smaller-scale car washes with limited storage space, switching to ultraconcentrated chemicals can be a game changer by opening up more room for additional pumps and other equipment.

5. Improved Sustainability: Reduced Carbon Footprint

Switching to ultraconcentrated chemicals can have a dramatic impact on the energy used and the costs associated with shipping tons of car wash chemistry. Any business interested in being environmentally responsible and/or making that part of their brand would be wise to consider the issue of carbon footprint. Today’s consumers are interested. You should be too.

6. Branded Commercial Car Wash Chemicals

Making the switch to NCS ultra concentrated chemistry solutions will ensure your car wash uses only the most reliable chemicals made by today’s most trusted brand names. When you upgrade to ultra concentrates with NCS, you can rest assured you’re getting top-tier car wash chemistry solutions backed up by powerhouse brands that put quality first.

Part of the NCS Connected Chemistry System

The old way of washing cars is changing fast. Technology like that used for connected home systems such as doorbell cameras and remote thermostat apps is now becoming available for your car wash.

Connected Chemistry lets you manage your car wash chemicals without being onsite. It also gives you digital accuracy, reporting and savings as you dial in greater efficiency in chemical usage. You can cut waste and costs, have complete control and visibility to who’s making changes to dosing, and guarantee the best wash and customer experience.

Here’s a breakdown of how it works.

AccuDose System

First, our AccuDose system gives you the ability to fine-tune chemical dosing settings to your specifications. This ultra precise method for dosing means you don’t use more product than you need. This can potentially save your car wash up to 27% on chemical costs.

Choose from 6,000 settings (increments of 0.1mL) to find the perfect dosing to reduce chemical waste and water bills. This is dosing precision far beyond traditional dispensing equipment.

Best of all, the AccuDose system will send you real-time alerts when chemicals are low or a piece of equipment stops functioning properly. These speedy virtual updates make it easy to immediately identify and address any snags in your car wash operation the moment they arise, without ever visiting the site, reducing downtime and 1-star customer reviews.

NCS Lens App

With the NCS Lens app, you can take control of your chemistry settings right from your mobile device. Monitor or adjust volumetric settings remotely, gain valuable insights regarding customer traffic, and receive real-time updates on any operational hang-ups.

With NCS Lens, you no longer have to be onsite to manage your carwash effectively. NCS Lens provides a comprehensive overview of your estimated cost per wash and the exact number of customers served, helping you to make more informed decisions on dosing parameters. The NCS Lens app also includes a helpful checklist feature your employees can review each day to ensure key maintenance tasks are completed in a timely manner. In this way, NCS Lens provides car wash owners with a user-friendly and centralized remote hub for managing key aspects of their business, even if you’re in another city or enjoying the day off at home.


The final piece to NCS Connected Chemistry is Ultra Concentrated car wash chemicals. It’s a key part of forward-looking car wash businesses looking to embrace the efficiencies of the car washes of the future. Ultra concentrates do not require a connected chemistry solution, and are beneficial for all the reasons already covered in this post. They also are the best chemistry solution to pair with connected chemistry solutions when you’re ready to step up.

Make the Switch to Ultra Concentrates Today

NCS National Carwash Solutions is a leading national provider of all kinds of chemistry, from conventional to ultra concentrates, unbranded and branded. Trust us to help you unlock the full potential of your wash with the right wash chemistry solutions.

If you’re ready to make the switch to ultra concentrates – with or without Connected Chemistry – contact us today, and we’ll walk you through the process.

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